Blood Moon

tonight the moon is bandaged
burned by degrees
I step out of my house
to see

under the same moon
tonight your town is weeping
the slender tower shatters and falls
market stalls are closed tonight
the plaza’s lanterns die
one by one

the woman with the flowers
the milk boy
all gone

tonight your house
rips open
the sofa stares dumbly into the street
you walk away
you carry a sleeping child

a darker air tonight sweeps
over rivers and highways
tonight you walk
you follow a map of limb and shadow
this way, you say
it’s here

I step out of my house tonight
to see

Leonore Hildebrandt is the author of Where You Happen to Be, The Work at Hand, and The Next Unknown. Her poems and translations have appeared in The Cafe Review, Cerise Press, The Cimarron Review, Denver Quarterly, The Fiddlehead, Harpur Palate, Poetry Daily, Poetry Salzburg Review, and The Sugar House Review, among other journals. Winner of the 2013 Gemini Poetry Contest, she received fellowships from the Elizabeth George Foundation, the Maine Community Foundation, and the Maine Arts Commission. She was nominated several times for a Pushcart Prize. A native of Germany, Leonore lives “off the grid” in Harrington, Maine, and spends the winter in Silver City, NM. She teaches writing at the University of Maine and serves on the editorial board of the Beloit Poetry Journal.